Sunday, April 24, 2011

Swappa featured on Silicon Prairie News

Swappa has been noticed by Silicon Prairie News, a site that exists to highlight and support the burgeoning entrepreneurial ecosystem on the Silicon Prairie.

Check out the story:
Swappa tries to take bite out of big boys in used Android device sales
An Android programmer from Kansas City, Edwards has long felt that sites like eBay and craigslist are lacking as marketplaces for the sale of Android phones. Edwards has never found the sites' policies regarding phones' conditions stringent enough — "the wild west," he calls eBay and craigslist — and grew weary of having to inquire about the specifics of phones he planned to purchase.
Thanks to Michael Stacy and Silicon Prairie News for the great write-up.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Swappa featured on Don't Hate the Geek

Swappa has been featured on Don't Hate the Geek, an excellent blog for all things geeky.

Check it out:
The glorious thing about this fairly new website is that they only sell sell/auction devices that are fully functional and ready to activate. If you shop here you won’t have to worry about phones with bad ESN’s, water damage, or cracked screens.
Thanks to Adam Warren and DHTG for the good words.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Swappa featured on CNET (Android Atlas)

Swappa has been featured on CNET's Android Atlas and Crave gadget blogs.

Check it out:
As you might expect, Swappa is a bit of a geek-out. If you aren't serious about smartphones, you're probably better off hanging out on eBay and sorting through the hundreds of used flip-phone chargers to find what you want. But if you're looking for a rooted Evo, or a Droid that's overclocked to 1100MHz, then Swappa is going to be a much better bet than slumming the e-resale ghetto.Publish Post
Thanks to Eric Mack and CNET for helping spread the word about Swappa.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Swappa featured on The Droid Demos

Swappa has been featured on The Droid Demos in a great write-up and video review.

Check it out:
There’s a new kid on the block for online classifieds, and its geared specifically for us Android users. Swappa takes the disadvantages of other sites such as eBay and Craigslist, tears them up into a million tiny pieces, and tosses them out the window. What we’re left with is an outstanding, simple to use, and reliable service to buy and sell Android phones.
Thanks to Brent and The Droid Demos for a great review.